Undergraduate Admissions
The world is your classroom.
Freshman Applicants
新生申请者包括那些以前从未上过大学的学生, 从其他学院或大学转学学分少于24学分的学生, 或者在高中或高中毕业后的暑假参加大学课程的高中生.
Requirements for Regular Admission
(Full- and Part-Time Degree-Seeking)
- 填妥的入学申请连同不退还的申请费(如适用).
- 申请人必须有最低的未加权平均绩点(GPA) 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. An unweighted 2.5 GPA and an ACT score of 18 or better (or equivalent), or a GED average score of at least 550, will also be accepted.
Note: Those submitting ACT scores must submit their “Single Test Event” or “Highest Full Battery” scores; At this time, KWU does not accept “Super Scores.”
Get a head start by earning credits early. 你必须是目前注册的高中生才能被认为是预科新生.
Requirements for Admission:
- 提交一份完整的申请表,并由高中辅导员签署授权.
- Non-refundable $20 application fee.
- A high school transcript showing a GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
What You Need to Know:
- 完成至少五个学期高中课程的学生,目前就读于国家认可的高中,可以在千亿国际登录的大一预科课程下注册课程.
- A limited number of students who have less than five semesters of high school coursework may be granted special permission by the Dean of Faculty and/or designated committee to register for courses; the academic and social records will be reviewed.
- 被千亿国际登录录取的高中学生必须支付学费和费用,并且没有资格获得经济援助. 大一预科生有资格获得最多6个学分的学费折扣.
- 所有修习的学分课程均会记入本校的常规成绩单,并注明是在大一预科阶段修习的.
- 在千亿国际登录,作为攻读学位的学生,入学时接受的学分将充分发挥其价值,并可用于满足大学目录中描述的任何和所有学位要求.
- 将大一预科学分转到其他院校将由这些院校控制, 但是堪萨斯卫斯理会帮助学生在其他机构获得大一预科课程的学分.
- 学分不计入高中毕业,除非事先与高中和千亿国际登录官员作出安排.
- 大一前学生每学期的课程作业或旁听不得超过6个学分. 超过六个小时的入学许可必须由学院院长和学生的高中辅导员批准. However, no more than nine credit hours may be taken.